
Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Faves- The Headboard

I've had a headboard on my mind for a while.   In our last house we had this weird window over our bed and never had one.  I have a ton of scrap wood and badly want to make my own.  I'm in love with just about everything Heathrsmith on Instagram makes.  Not sure if she has a website but the pieces she makes are absolutely beautiful.  Here's some more of my inspo:

DIY Reclaimed Wood Headboard
DIY Headboard, Reclaimed Wood, ItsOverflowing 2
Chevron Wood Headboard QUEEN

I'm off to hang up some birdhouses that I've had in boxes for a while and try to find some motivation to clean house.  Happy Friday!

Peace and Love, Amy

1 comment:

  1. I'm in an emotional tug-a-wars with a reclaimed wood headboard or a fabric one. Ugh you got me wanting a wood one now lol.

    xo Amber P.
